
2023年9月20日 星期三


【記者連凱斐/綜合報導】拉脫維亞與立陶宛的學者於112年9月20日參訪安南醫院,舉行一場別具意義的國際學術研討會,此次參訪旨在交流彼此的醫療技術,並實踐國際合作計畫。身為計畫主持人的安南醫院教學研究部顧問吳勝男表示,學者們將拜會安南醫院院長林聖哲及相關研究人員,以加深三國之間在醫療和學術研究領域的合作。 吳勝男顧問提及,這個跨國合作計畫為國科會資助,涵蓋波羅的海地區的拉脫維亞和立陶宛兩個國家,計畫主題是關於蘭諾定受體在神經內分泌腫瘤發展中的功能,以及其對電生理和分子腫瘤發生機制的影響。 林聖哲院長分享,吳勝男顧問原為任職於國立成功大學基礎醫學研究所的教授,專攻細胞電生理學、心臟血管生理學和神經生理學;退休後受安南醫院延攬,至教學研究部擔任研究顧問,繼續一展他對醫學研究的熱情與研究專長。 此次參訪外賓包括拉脫維亞生物醫學研究中心主任Vita Rovīte、研究助理Ilona Mandrika,以及立陶宛健康科學大學神經科學研究所教授Rasa Liutkeviciene、研究助理Greta Gedvilaite,吳勝男顧問強調,他們在各自國家都是神經和生物醫學領域的專家。 有感於外賓從波羅的海遠道前來拜訪台灣實屬不易,林聖哲院長期許透過這次參訪,能夠建立起安南醫院於國際醫療和學術領域的友誼和互助關係,並促進國際間的交流與合作,一同推動醫療科技和學術研究的發展。 National Science and Technology Council funded transnational cooperative project: Scholars from Latvia and Lithuania visited An-Nan Hospital because of academic exchange Scholars from Latvia and Lithuania visited An-Nan Hospital on September 20, 2023, and held a meaningful international academic conference. This visit aimed to exchange eachother's medical technologies and implement international cooperative projects. Wu Sheng-nan, the project leader and an advisor in the Medical Teaching and Research Department of An-Nan Hospital said, scholars met with Lin Sheng-Che is the president of An-Nan Hospital and other relevant researchers to deepen the collaboration between three countries in the fields of healthcare and academic research. Advisor Wu Sheng-nan mentioned this transnational cooperative project was funded by the National Science and Technology Council, and covered the countries of Latvia and Lithuania in the Baltic Sea region. The project focused on the functionality of the Ryanodine receptor in the development of neuroendocrine tumors and its impact on electrophysiology and molecular tumor mechanisms. President Lin Sheng-Che explained that advisor Wu Sheng-nan was originally a professor at the Department of Physiology of National Cheng Kung University, specializing in cellular physiology, cardiovascular physiology, and neurophysiology. After retiring, he was recruited by An-Nan Hospital to serve as a research advisor in the Medical Teaching and Research Department. He remained passionate about medical research and continued to showcase his research expertise. The visiting guests included Vita Rovīte, the director of the Latvian Biomedical Research Center, and research assistant Ilona Mandrika. Also, Professor Rasa Liutkeviciene and research assistant Greta Gedvilaite from the Neuroscience Research Institute of the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences. They are all experts in the field of neuroscience and biomedical research in their respective countries. It was not easy for these guests to travel all the way from the Baltic Sea to visit Taiwan. Lin Sheng-Che expected through this visit, friendships and mutual cooperation can be established between An-Nan Hospital and the international community in the fields of medical technology and academic research. It will contribute to promoting international exchange, cooperation, and together. We can advance the development of healthcare technology and academic research.

